Wrap up warm: Helping Hands Sleep Out

Wrap up warm: Helping Hands Sleep Out

Members of Fine & Country Leamington Spa will sleep rough to raise awareness of homelessness in Leamington Spa, Warwick and Kenilworth for Helping Hands Community Project’s fourth annual Sleep Out, on Friday 8th February.

Donate here to support our Sleep Out team.

Premiership rugby team, The Wasps RFC will be among the volunteers who are raising money for homeless and vulnerable people. Helping Hands have kept the location of the event secret, to be revealed on the day to give a sense of insecurity of not knowing where you will be sleeping: a situation people sleeping on the streets face every day.

Nicky Moore, Partner, Mark Griffiths, Senior Associate and Henry Lacey, Associate, from Fine & Country Leamington Spa will represent The Fine & Country Foundation at the event. 

Mark said: “I want to help the less fortunate, put a roof over their heads and provide them with a hot meal. I see too many people on the streets of Leamington Spa and I have seen how Helping Hands do a great and integral job under difficult circumstances. 

“The money raised will fund all aspects of the charity, from the soup kitchen and drop-ins, to the House2Home project and support work. Thank you to everyone who has donated to our cause, every penny will make a huge difference to those who need it most.”

Henry said: “I am excited to take part to raise as much money as possible for Helping Hands. It is important to me because without the right support network anybody could find themselves in a series of unfortunate circumstances that quickly lead to being homeless.”

Temperatures are expected to hit freezing so the team will bring big flasks of tea to see them through the bitter temperatures.

The Fine & Country Foundation has hosted and participated in fundraisers for Helping Hands over a number of years from fashion shows to coffee mornings and Helping Hands was one of 25 charities to receive a grant from The Fine & Country Foundation in 2018. 

We can support your favourite homeless causes by organising and participating in fundraising events or through our grant programme. Take a look at our 2019 events calendar to get involved in an event or request a bespoke fundraiser. 


To donate to Henry and Mark’s Sleep Out in aid of Helping Hands Community Project, please click here. 

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Registered charity number: 1160989

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