Homeless teenage girls in Bangladesh

Homeless teenage girls in Bangladesh

A team from Fine & Country have raised a great amount of money for Action Aid in Bangladesh.

Thanks to many generous donations, the Foundation will be able to completely cover the costs of running one home for homeless girls in Bangladesh for an entire year.

Earlier this year, Sean Newman, Director of Fine & Country Warwickshire & West Midlands, and his teammates Tyler and Phil traveled across India on a rikshaw – or a 7 horsepower glorified lawnmower – all while dressed as the ‘DehliTubbies’. It was a major fundraising challenge which could have easily ended in disaster as several other people who have completed the trek have ended up in hospital. But it was all worth it as they were able to present a cheque for £33,000 from the Fine & Country Foundation to Happy Homes and Action Aid. This money will pay for the running costs of one Happy Home for an entire year, supporting 20 homeless teenage girls.


13th Jan 2016

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Registered charity number: 1160989

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