Grant update: End Youth Homelessness, UK-wide

Grant update: End Youth Homelessness, UK-wide

The End Youth Homelessness (EYH) campaign is the national charity partner of The Fine & Country Foundation. In the spring grant programme, EYH was given £20,000 for their project, the Safe Nights Fund. Find out how your donations are helping 16-25 year olds on a UK-wide scale.

Explaining EYH

Two new members joined in 2018: Step-by-Step in Hampshire and MACS in Northern Ireland. They will be added to the map shortly.


The Safe Nights Fund directly contributes to the core costs of EYH and its members, including:

  • Raising vital funds and awareness of youth homelessness across the United Kingdom
  • Delivering the first ever national services for homeless young people
  • Facilitating the best practice and collaboration across EYH Members 


EYH maintains a competitive Return of Interest ratio of 1:4, meaning all funding invested in the Safe Nights Fund is multiplied by four. Therefore The Fine & Country Foundation £20,000 donation in spring 2018 will help generate £80,000 for the youth homelessness sector.

The Fine & Country Foundation participates in fundraising events organised by the member charities, such as sleep outs and the Bangers and Cash road-trip event.

The Safe Nights Fund
The Safe Nights Fund is a pool of money distributed to the 11 members of EYH to tackle four main points:

1.     Rent Deposit Scheme: To help young people move into private rented accommodation.

  • Delivered by: 1625 Independent People (Bristol), The Amber Foundation (Surrey, Wiltshire, and Devon), St. Basils (West Midlands), The Benjamin Foundation (Norfolk), Centrepoint (Bradford, Manchester and Sunderland), Llamau (Wales), The Rock Trust (Edinburgh & Glasgow), and Roundabout (Sheffield).
  • Outcomes: Supported 107 young people into independent accommodation since June 2017.


2. National Bursary: To help young people overcome the high cost of education, training and living expenses while on unpaid internships or volunteer work.

  • Delivered by: 1625 Independent People (Bristol), Aberdeen Foyer (Aberdeen), St. Basils (West Midlands), The Benjamin Foundation (Norfolk), Centrepoint (London & Manchester), Llamau (Wales), The Rock Trust (Edinburgh), and Roundabout (Sheffield).
  • Outcomes: £78,000 distributed through 526 bursaries.


3. Jobs Coaching: Provides 1: 1 support to get young people into education, training and work.

  • Delivered by: 1625 Independent People (Bristol), Aberdeen Foyer (Aberdeen), The Benjamin Foundation (Norfolk), Roundabout (Sheffield)
  • Outcomes: Supported 497 young people, 367 young people accessing essential employment and training, and 328 qualifications gained.


4. Future Builders: This work programme provides innovative housing solutions and pathways into construction jobs.

  • Delivered by: 1625 Independent People (Bristol), Roundabout (Sheffield)
  • Outcomes: Still in pilot phase, soon to be scaled nationally.


Case study – Michael, 13

Michael left home at 13 after deciding he did not want to get involved in gangs and violence, like many of those around him.

Michael said: “The area of Newcastle I lived in had a reputation for gangs, violence and crime. I had family problems: drink, drugs and crime, along with family members going to prison. I decided to leave and get away from it all.

“I stayed with friends and moved from sofa to sofa. I eventually ran out of options so slept rough for a while, usually on park benches. It was hard to cope in the area, so I knew I had to move out the area.

After this period of sleeping rough and sofa-surfing, Michael was referred to EYH Member charity, Centrepoint. For the first time in a long while, Michael could say he has a home. 

“I have had more opportunities at Centrepoint than anywhere else in the last few years.” 

While homeless Michael did not attend school, but aged 17 he attended college and completed a construction course.

“I didn’t have any qualifications until I went to college. I really enjoyed the practical side of the construction course, but my spelling and reading meant I found the written parts difficult.”

Michael now has developed his career aspirations and End Youth Homelessness members, like Centrepoint will continue to provide him with the support that he needs to achieve this. 

“I would love a career in boxing or as a fitness trainer, but I want to improve my reading and writing first. Then, if I don’t get into boxing I have other qualifications to find something else,” said Michael.



Thank you to everyone who has donated to The Fine & Country Foundation grant pot. We hope that updates like this help you to see exactly how much good your work does to homeless people across the UK. 

For more grant updates, click here.

To donate to our grant programme, which reopens 1st-31st October 2018, please click here.



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Registered charity number: 1160989

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