Grant update: St Basils, Birmingham

Grant update: St Basils, Birmingham

St Basils, youth homeless charity in the West Midlands, is one of the 17 organisations funded by The Fine & Country Foundation’s first grant programme in spring 2018. The grant scheme was a huge success and gave more than £60,000 for a variety of projects. Take a look at the grant highlights and summaries here.

To help you understand how your donations to The Fine & Country Foundation make a difference the most vulnerable people in our society, here is the latest update on the valuable work from St Basils.

For over 40 years St Basils has worked in Birmingham to prevent 16-25 year olds who are in crisis from falling into long term homelessness. Young people come to St Basils having suffered from poverty, abuse, neglect and bereavement. Among other issues, their self-esteem is rock bottom and many they often have no experience of looking after themselves.

The Fine & Country Foundation funded the Life Skills Programme in the spring grant scheme. The Life Skills Programme helps young people overcome their difficulties, develop their confidence and learn essential independent living skills to enable them to become fully self-sufficient. The programme awards the young people with a recognised qualification which they can use for their CVs to get into work or further education. 

It is estimated that three modules will cost around £10 per young person. The money is spent on items such as: cooking equipment and ingredients, stationary and transport.

Level One has three modules, as well as an extended course of five modules for the higher Level One Certificate. From January to July 2018, 204 young people enrolled on the Programme and increasing numbers are taking the five modules needed to earn the higher qualification.

St Basils have refined and developed the Life Skills Programme to provide long-lasting support for young people. The increased enrolment and qualification rates from the young people reflects St Basils’ incredible work. 


Case study: Heidi, 17 
“My Dad died when I was 13 years old so I lived with my mum and her abusive partner. After some time, she left him and we went to live somewhere else, but this was only a small improvement on our previous home, and no more secure. I found my way to St Basils.

“I want to go to University to study Law to become a Barrister. I don’t know where this dream came from, but I want to make a difference to help people who need it. I am studying Law, Psychology and History A-levels and it is Criminal Law I find most interesting. To do Law at University is very competitive so I am working to earn my place. 

“Everyone encourages me, especially my Support Worker who is working with me on my studies, applications and funding for University.

“I completed two modules of the Life Skills Programme: budgeting and cooking. However, I had to pause the programme because of my A Level exams. The budgeting classes were really useful. They taught me about PASA (Pay Ahead Stay Ahead) and my Supporter Worker and I created a budgeting plan. I like baking anyway, but so it was really rewarding to receive a qualification from the module. 

“I am the Resident Rep and a member of St Basils Youth Council. The Resident Rep communicates between the residents and the staff. Sometimes there are problems that some people might not want say directly to staff so they approach me instead.

“I am much happier now. It is hard being on my own from a young age. My mum and dad aren’t around, but I feel like I have a proper network of support from St Basils to guide me through any problems.

“To other young people I would say, get involved in as many opportunities that you can, they’re all going to benefit you, just go for it.”


Autumn grant programme
The Fine & Country Foundation will reopen its grant programme from 1st-31st October to registered homeless charities in the UK and overseas to apply for up to £3,000. 

For more information about the scheme, the forms and process, please click here.


13th Aug 2018

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