12 Marathon Challenge hits heatwave: Race four, Stoke-on-Trent

12 Marathon Challenge hits heatwave: Race four, Stoke-on-Trent

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Temperatures reached a sweltering 28 degrees Celsius for Emma Preston, Regional Manager for GPEA and Clint Nykamp from Fine & Country West Midlands for the fourth race in the 12 Marathon Challenge on Sunday 15th July. 

Hilly terrain, strong sun and aches from previous races made Stoke-on-Trent the toughest race yet. The Klaxon sounded at 8am and the runners began. However, the sun’s heat was already emanating upward from the ground signalling the start of a hot day. 

Emma Preston suffered with knees injuries since the last race in Yeovil, Somerset. Emma’s mission was to safely cross the finish line. During the race she formed a group with other runners who motivated each other and kept themselves moving, despite dehydration and ligament injuries. 

Emma said: “I was running with three women and we had so much fun chatting, laughing and supporting each other. This is my fourth marathon in the 12 Marathons Challenge and even though the conditions were the hardest I have faced, it was the most enjoyable race. We spoke about each other’s stories and motivations. 

“I explained that I was supporting The Fine & Country Foundation because I work in property and believe that it is our responsibility to help everyone find their dream home. 

“I am looking forward to the next race in Milton Keynes on Saturday 11th August because it will be much flatter and hopefully the heatwave will be over.”

Emma and her running partners having a water-break.

Bill McAuliffe, Stoke-on-Trent Marathon Organiser said: “Congratulations Emma and Clint on their fantastic achievement. One marathon is an amazing accomplishment, but the tropical weather conditions made their challenge even more difficult. I wish them both the best for their future races and hope that the heatwave subsides for their August marathon.

“The Stoke-on-Trent course was designed to be challenging and test runners’ endurance and personality. The route took competitors away from the main roads and onto some tricky inclines. However, the comradery built within the running community makes a huge difference, as Emma discovered.”

Your donations not only help the most vulnerable in our society, they also give Emma and Clint the motivation to continue running. To donate to Emma and Clint’s challenge and help homeless causes in the UK and overseas, please click here

Next race: Milton Keynes, Saturday 11th August. 

17th Jul 2018

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