May 2018 Trek: Day-to-Day in Nepal

May 2018 Trek: Day-to-Day in Nepal

View from the trekkers’ tents at sunrise, eye-level with the clouds in Thangpalkot1

A group of 14 trekkers travelled halfway across the world from London to Kathamandu, Nepal’s capital, for an adventure of a lifetime. The team was equally divided between Fine & Country members and friends of our partner charity, Campbells Foundation in Nepal. 

Each day, Charlotte Schofield, Foundation Co-ordinator filmed a short video to show everyone back home updates and share news. You can get a taste of what it’s like and join our next Nepal adventure in October 2018. For more information, please email

Don’t forget, the trip had a very important cause. Some of our trekkers need a little help to reach their £1,800 targets to build an entire house for their assigned family. To donate, click here

Day 1 – London to Kathmandu
Gemma Manning, Fine & Country North Lincolnshire said: “After 15 hours of trains, flights and buses I have never been so happy to sleep horizontally.”


Day 2 – Taking in the sights
Charlotte Schofield, Fine & Country Head Office said: “Monkeys! A temple full of monkeys! This was definitely worth the never-ending steps we had to climb.”


Day 3 – Kathmandu to Chisapani 
Katie Garn, Fine & Country Monmouth said: “I have never seen so many steps in all my life. I can’t believe we have walked higher than planes fly already.”


Day 4 – Chisapani to Melamchi 
Hollie Gregory, Fine & Country Canary Wharf said: “That was the toughest thing I have had done. Eleven hours of walking on a sprained ankle; I wouldn’t have been able to get through the day if it wasn’t for our incredible guides and Sherpas. Thank you Renzen.”


Day 5 – Melamchi to Thangpalkot1
Paul Kirby, Fine & Country Canary Wharf said: “The last 20 minutes of the trek was another incredibly steep staircase up a mountain, leading to the village. At the bottom of the stairs I heard the loudest crack of thunder and have never run so fast uphill in my life.”


Day 6 – life in Thangpalkot1
Charlotte Schofield, Fine & Country Head Office said: “I don’t think there was a dry-eye in the group. I wept as soon as I saw Maili, the woman whose house I am funding. A powerful and wonderful experience, I cannot recommend visiting enough.”


Day 7 – Time of an education
Amanda Mangan, Fine & Country Canary Wharf said: “It was lovely to see all the effort that the children and staff at the school made for us. As soon as we left the school, myself and some trekkers went to buy some children uniforms. I’ll never forget their smiles when they realised what was happening.”


Day 8 – it’s a bumpy road
Paul Campbell, Campbells Foundation in Nepal said: “The monsoons started a little earlier than expected. It was a miracle that none of the jeeps got stuck on the muddy hills, the drivers were incredible. I’ll never complain about a pothole in England again.”


Day 9 – that’s all folks!
Gemma Manning, Fine & Country North Lincolnshire said: “This has been the most emotional, spectacular and hilarious adventure of my life. I have made lifelong friends, visited sites that you can only imagine in films and helped a whole family to build a stable, earthquake-proof house. You’d be mad to not want to visit Thangpalkot1.”


To help our trekkers complete their targets and complete the house for their assigned family, please click here to donate.

Thank you for taking the time to watch our videos. We hope you enjoyed watching them nearly as much as our trekkers enjoyed making them. We are planning another adventure in October 2018, keep an eye on our website for more information or email to register your interest.

Katie Garn, Fine & Country Monmouth said: “I can’t believe this is it. I’m really going to miss these daily videos!”

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