One down, 11 to go: Brighton Marathon Conquered

One down, 11 to go: Brighton Marathon Conquered

The Fine & Country Foundation’s endurance challenge began at the Brighton Marathon on Sunday 15th April. Our two runners, Emma Preston and Clint Nykamp, successfully conquered the first of 12 marathons in our year-long test of determination and grit. 

The pair are raising money for The Fine & Country Foundation to fight the causes of homelessness in the UK and overseas. They aim to raise £1,000 per race, and we are delighted to announce that after their first marathon, they are on target to reach their goal.

Click here to donate to Emma and Clint’s 12 Marathon Challenge

Emma interviewed on the big screen

Highlights from the Brighton Marathon
In a spectacular show of athleticism and persistence, Emma and Clint went from running 5 kilometres to racing 26.2 miles in the space of four months... 

Race time: 6 hours 34 minutes
“I was running at a slow and steady pace. The course was full of zig-zags so it was strange to see runners going in the opposite direction and crossing the finish line as I reached the half-way point, but this motivated me to keep moving. Towards the end of the race, the weather became cold and rainy which completely sapped my strength. I phoned my husband on mile 16 to say that I think I had to stop. He immediately jumped on a bike and cycled along the road until he found me. He gave me his coat because I was freezing and cycled alongside side me for another mile or so. I cannot stress enough the appreciation I felt to have supporters like my husband with me for the race.”

Left: Clint in action. Right: Emma after the race

Race time: 5 hours 40 minutes
“I pulled my calf muscle within the first five miles so had to slow my pace for the remaining 21 miles. I made it to the end in one piece so I’m really pleased. The drive back to the West Midlands was long and exhausting, but Tina, my wife, gave me the best dinner treat: enchiladas, salad, lots of chips and beer! I spent Monday morning recovering in the gym’s hot tub and sauna which really helped my ankle joints and tight muscles.

“I’m so glad we hit our fundraising target for the first race. Can’t wait to see how we do in Exeter next month.”

Clint post race

Next race:
Cheer on Emma and Clint at the Exeter Marathon on Sunday 20th May.

Get involved:
Run in the races or cheer from the sidelines at any of our marathons. Find the full list of races here.

Contact us for more information on our 12 Marathons Challenge as well as upcoming fundraisers at or call +44(0)20 3368 8221.

17th Apr 2018

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Registered charity number: 1160989

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