Meet Emma Preston: our '12 marathon challenge' runner

Meet Emma Preston: our '12 marathon challenge' runner

Emma will undertake The Fine & Country Foundation’s longest and most enduring challenge ever in 2018 as she runs 12 marathons in 12 months for homelessness. We will be following Emma’s journey as she trains, travels and runs across the country.

We interviewed Emma in January 2018 to find out how her training is going in preparation for her first marathon in Brighton on Sunday 15th April.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a Regional Manager for GPEA so I’m on the road most of the time, driving across the country and visiting our offices. I have two children and a lovely husband, who all think I am mad, but they are so supportive. I haven’t run a distance this far since the London Marathon in 2007.

2. Why are you doing this challenge? 

The thought behind The Fine & Country Foundation is that we are working with the highest calibre of property and the top levels of income, so we have a responsibility to look after those at the other end of the scale. I have chosen to do a year-long challenge to reflect this and to be an inspiration to others.

3. When did you start training and how is it going so far?

I began rebuilding my fitness last summer and have been slowly and steadily increasing my mileage since Christmas. It has been encouraging to see that I am not finding the training as difficult as I thought I would. My aim is to complete the races, not to complete them quickly. I don’t have a formal exercise routine or personal training, but I am being strict with myself, which was difficult after an indulgent Christmas.

4. How have you changed your diet for this challenge?

I reduced my alcohol intake and, as a family, we have cut down a lot on eating out and take-aways. I have more fresh fruit and vegetables to keep my energy levels high after each training session.

5. Marathons are as much about mental strength as they as physical, how are you coping with this aspect?

For the moment, I think I am overconfident because I ran the 2006 and 2007 London Marathons. In the back of my mind, I know that I can make it to the finish lines because I have run this distance before. I think I am in denial that it has been 10 years since my last marathon and that I have 12 to run!

6. Do you have any injuries?

My knees and ankles are feeling the strain more than they did in 2007, but my muscles are getting stronger each day. I want to be extra-cautious so I am seeing an osteopath and a sports masseur after each race to help me work out the lactic acid before I begin training for the next marathon. I tripped over in December and strained a ligament in my knee, but my osteopath has cleared me to race. Nevertheless, I train with strapping to not injure it further.

7. Are you excited for your first race?

Yes, but also apprehensive. This is a huge undertaking and I haven’t attempted anything like this before, but there is no point taking on a challenge if it doesn’t challenge you.

To find out more about Emma’s races and to join her for one or more of the marathons, please click here.

To sponsor Emma and help us fight the causes of homelessness, please click here.

15th Jan 2018

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