Registered charity number: 1160989
Left to right: Steve Westwood from King’s Arms Project, Haydn van Weenen from Fine & Country Bedford, Charlotte Schofield from The Fine & Country Foundation, Majbritt Moulding from King’s Arms Project, Ian Fraser from Fine & Country Bedford. The Fine & Country Foundation now supports another 155 homeless and disadvantaged people in Bedford through a £3,370 grant that will provide training, workshops and household goods to vulnerable people. The £3,370 grant to King’s Arms Project will supply white goods for people living in independent accommodation as part of the Move-On Housing project, and transport for 140 service users to access training courses and workshops in the Pathways to Employment programme. King’s Arms Project welcomed four clients into their new accommodation service in June. The building is recently decorated and refurbished with part of the grant donation from The Fine & Country Foundation. Work con...
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